
pick your pick

state of art trading solutions

Maximize your profits with the best Ask and Bid Prices and lowest spreads. 

Our systems are configured to your advantage.

Trade System

Liquidity Cloud

Trader Platform

getting started

System set-up



We provide web hosting, while also providing the option for clients to easily set up the trading system on their own servers.


LPs Connectivity

Our matching engine integrate clients with over 20 LPs and ECNs, with FIX 4.4 connectivity and custom protocols.


Management & Administraton Applications

Back office management system enabling clients to generate reports and manage LPs connectivity.



FIX Liquidity Bridge

FIX Protocol connects FX server to Matching Engine. Our Liquidity Bridge connects to broker-side server with Manager API.



Routing Engine- API

Custom routing engine-communicate with LPs via FIX Protocol with client-chosen hedging parameters.


Data Feeder

Price feed from Matching Engine updated in real time and distributed within FX server through our Data Feeder.

Ready to Get Started

Let’s discuss your need and bring your business to the next stage